Dr.Charles Muses
More Writings by Musaios
Centrality in the Ethics of Peirce
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly,31,3, 289 1950Illumination on Jacob Boehme
Columbia University Press, New York, 1951An Evaluation of Relativity Theory after a Half-Century
New York, S.Weiser, 1953East-West fire;Schopenhauer's optimism and the Lankavatara Sutra;
an excursion toward the common ground between Oriental and Western religion.
London, J.M.Watkins;Indian Hills, Colo.,Falcon's Wing PressForeword In: J. Rothstein's "Communication, Organization and Science"
Falcon's Wing Press, Indiana Hills, CO, 1958
Editor`s Introduction In: Prismatic Voices, an Anthology
Falcon`s Wing Press, Indiana Hills, CO, 1958
Markov chains and the Fibonacci series
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 6 , 1959 , 388 - 389
The Geometry of Equi-Infinitesimals
In: Notices Amer.Math.Soc., Vol.6, 1959 , 388/558
Some Applications of Equi-Infinitesimal Analysis
In: Notices Amer.Math.Soc., Vol.7, 1960, 60/386
Inherently Solution Seeking Processes Irrespective of Initial Value
In: Notices Amer.Math.Soc., Vol.7, 1960, 638
The Homeostasis of the Fibonacci Series
In: Notices Amer.Math.Soc., Vol.7, 1960, 579
A new parameter relating hyperbolic and circular functions
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 7 ,1960 , 73On the unique ordering of the decimal forms
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 7 , 1960, 379
The dimensional continuum in Hilbert space
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. , 7 , 1960 , 639, erratum 10 , 1963, 377
The topology of the zeroth dimension
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. , 7, 1960, 639 - 640
Hyperspheres and dimensionality: preliminary report
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. , 7 , 1960, 640, erratum 10 , 1963 , 377
The concept and calculus of an operational continuum: preliminary report
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 7 , 1960, 378 - 379
An explicit formulation for the value of a fractional factorial
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 7, 1960 , 884Ed. The Septuagint Bible
2nd Ed. (Ed. C.Muses), Falcon`s Wing Press,Indian Hills, CO, 1960
The Logic of Biosimulation
In: Aspects of the Theory of Artificial Intelligence:
Proceeedings of the First International Symposium on Biosimulation
Locarno, June 27 - July 5, 1960
Ed. C.Muses, Plenum, New York, 1962, 115-163
A concept of integration capable of integrating the Heaviside unit function
In: Aspects of the Theory of Artificial Intelligence:
Proceeedings of the First International Symposium on Biosimulation (appendix to Chapter 8), Locarno, June 27 - July 5, 1960
Ed. C.Muses, Plenum, New York, 1962
Proof of the axiom of choice
In Aspects of the Theory of Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biosimulations, Locarno, June 27–July 5, 1960, ed. C. Muses, Plenum, New York, 1962, 263 - 271.A new property of the Bernoulli numbers
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 10, 1963 , 267, erratum 10 , 1963, 377The various light - An Anthology of Modern Poetry in English
Ed. Leah Bodine Drake and Charles Arthur Muses, [Lausanne] Aurora Press, 1964
Systemic stability and cybernetic control: an introduction to the cybernetics of higher integrated behavior
In: Cybernetics of Neural Processes (Ed. E.R.Caianiello)
National Research Council of Italy,Rome, 1965 ,149-212
Aspects of Some Crucial Problems in Biological and Medical Bio-Cybernetics (II)
Elsevier, (Ed. Norbert Wiener and J.P.Schade),Amsterdam , 1965
Celtic Origins ... Arthur: The Chain of Evidence
In: Celticum XII, No.98 , 1965, 359 - 384
Finding of the primal dimensional family
Cited by H.S.M.Coxeter "Geometry", Lectures in Modern Mathematics,
Vol.3 (Ed.T.L.Saaty) John Wiley & Sons , New York, 1965, 66
A more exact theory of gravitation deducible in part from the solar observations of J.D.Cassini
In: La Ricerca Scientifica (Roma), anno 35, Serie 2, Part I, Oct-Dec, 1965, 193 - 204
Divination, Higher Consciousness and Mathematics
In: ARK - The Journal of the Royal of College Art, Summer 1966, 12-23The First Nondistributive Algebra, with Relations to Optimization and Control Theory
In: Functional Analysis and Optimization, ed. by E. R. Caianiello, Academic Press, 1966, 171 - 212
In: Ann.New York Acad. Scienc., Vol.138, New York, 1967, 660/901Time, experience and dimensionality: An introduction to higher kinds of number
In: Ann. New York Acad. Sci., Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Time, 138, art. , 2 , 1967 , 646 - 660Hypernumber and Metadimension Theory: unusual states of consciousness
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.1, 29, 1968, 149
The noetic relevance of psychoactive molecules
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.2, 1969, 163-166
The Genetic Code
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.2, 1969, 18-19
The Bichromatic Scale and the Electronic Orchestra
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.2, No.1, 1969, 82
The Limits of Consciousness
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.1 , 1969, 77-79
Altering states of consciousness by mathematics
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.3, 1970, 43-50
On the Modification of Random Fluctuations by a Target - Seeking Process Utilising Random Energies
In: International Journal for Bio-Medical Computing, Vol.1, 1970, 75-80
The use of higher operators in problems of bio-medical computing
In: International Journal for Bio-Medical Computing, Vol.1, 1970, 167-172
The impending discontinuity circa 1980
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.3, 1970,5 - 8The Units of the Physical World
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.4, 1971, 89-95
What 20th century science implies for man
Journal for the study of consciousness, 4 (1971) 43 - 61, corrigenda 4 , 1971 , 200, 5 , 1972 , 332
Recovering an Ancient Way To Spiritual Enlightment and Regeneration
The American Theosophist, Vol.59, No.10, October, 1971
Working with the Hypernumber Idea
In: Consciousness and Reality,(Ed.C.Muses/A.Young)
E.P.Dutton / Avon/Discus, New York, 1972, 448-469
A table of the simplest hypernumbers and their properties
Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 3, 1970 , 170 - 176, corrigenda 4 , 1971 ,96, 5, 1972, 332The inability to give explicit examples in modern algebraic theory
Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 4 , 1971, 192 - 196, corrigenda 5, 1972 , 94Why do All Celestial Bodies Rotate and Evolve
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.5, 1972-1973 , 295-299
Anatomy of zero and infinity
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.5, 1972-1973, 315 - 326
Fractional dimensions and their experiential meaning
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.5 , 1972-1973, 315-326
RNA and DNA in Biological Evolution and Cancer
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.5 ,1972 , 292-294,
The necessity for hypernumber algebras beyond p-1 in quantum
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.5 , 1972, 85-88
Can matrices have square roots that are not matrices?
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, Vol.5 ,1972 , 89-90
CM (Consciousness-Matter interactions) Quantum Theory: The beginning of a Quantum Psychology,
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972 , 239 - 242Hypernumbers and their spaces: A summary of new findings
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972, 251 - 256An open letter on superluminous speeds to Dr. Carlo Rubbia, Harvard University
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972 , 300-301The best logic: A dialog
In: Journal for the Study of Consciosness, 5 , 1972, 302-304The Fibonacci series in eclipses and other natural phenomena
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972 , 305-307Anatomy of zero and infinity
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 ,1972 , 308-312Mind-training notes
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972 , 313-314Fractional dimensions and their experiential meaning
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972, 315-326More on Fermat's Last Theorem and consciousness
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness, 5 , 1972, 327-329The Syntax of Events
In: Astrologia Vol.1, No.1 , 1974 , 19-30The Most Ancient Resurrection Doctrine of Egypt Reconstructed
In: Astrologia Vol.1, No.2 , 1974, 57- 70Ancient Egyptian Light On the Zodiac
In: Astrologia Vol.1, No.1, 1974 , 69-76The Exploration of Consciousness
In: Consciousness and Reality, Avon/Discus (Ed.C.Muses/A.Young), New York, 1972
Communication of Consciousness Necessitates the Vacuum as Transducer
In: Konferenz o Vyzkumu Psychotroniky (sbornik referatu, 2.dil)
Prague, 1973, 42-44
Hypernumbers and their spaces: A summary of new findings
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness 5, 1972 - 1973 , 251 - 256Anatomy of zero and infinity
In: Journal for the Study of Consciousness 5, 1972 - 1973 , 308 - 312Cybernetics Today and Tomorrow : The Place of Hypernumbers
In: Kybernetes, Vol. 2, 1, 1973, 43-46Automultiprocessing (AMP): A New Capability for LST/MOS computers with Applications to Hypernumbers, Algebras and Arithmetics
In: NATO Advanced Study Institute, Proceedings of the June Session
Capri, 1973, 335-347
Psi, A New Dimension in the Sciences
In: Impact of Science on Society, Vol.XXIV, No.4, 1974, 305-309
How to make a stupid machine clever by cybernetically opportunistic programming
In: Kybernetes, 3, 1974 , 217 - 219Communication of consciousness necessitates vacuum as transducer
In: Nous Letter, Vol.1, 1974, 20-21
Psychotronic Quantum Theory: A proposal for understanding mass/spacetime/consciousness transductions in terms of extended quantum theory
Secd. Intern. Congr. on Psychotronic Research, Monte Carlo 1975, 26
Automultiprocessing (AMP): A new capability for LSI/MOS computers with Applications to Hypernumber Algebra and Arithmetics
In: New Concepts and Technologies in Parallel Information (Ed. E.Caianiello, Neyden, Noordhoff
NATO ASI Series, Noordhooof/Leyden, 1975, E9 - 335-347
Hypernumbers, Psychoenergetics, and Precognition
In: Psychoenergetic Systems, 1976, Vol. 1, 201-202
Applied hypernumbers: Computational concepts
In: Journal of Applied Mathmatics and Computation, Vol.3, 1976, 211-216
The politics of PSI, acculturation and Hypnosis
In: Extrasensory Ecology, Parapsychology and Anthropology, Ed. Joseph K. Long, 1977, Metuchen, New Jersey, 348 - 370
In: Modern Trends in Cybernetics and Systems
Vol.3 (Ed. J.Rose and C.Bilciu), Springer,New York,1977, 167-178
Explorations in Mathematics
In: Impact of Science on Society, UNESCO,Vol.27, No. 1, 1977, 67-85
Hypernumbers II: Further concepts and computational applications
In: Journal of Applied.Mathematics and Computation., Vol.4, 1978, 45-66
Computing in the Bio-Sciences with Hypernumbers: a survey
In: International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing, Vol.10, 519-525, Elsevier, Amsterdam
Grammar, Context and Programming Languages
In: Kybernetes, Vol.8, 1979, 82-83
Celtic Origins and the Arthurian Cycle: Geographic-Linguistic Evidence
In: Journal of Indo-European Studies, Vol.7, 1979, 31- 48
Hypernumbers and quantum field theory with a summary of physically applicable hypernumbers
In: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.6, 1980, 63-94
A realizable representation of the whole hyperbolic plane
Abstr.Amer. Math. Soc., 1 ,1980, 174, erratum 1 , 1980, 207A new generalization of Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) with some geometric implications
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 1 , 1980, 328, erratum 1 ,1980A new and proper generalization of Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT)
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 , 1980 , 353The e, Ph, Pi connection,
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 1, 1980, 384The functional basis of the Fibonacci and related series: preliminary report
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. ,2, 1981 , 398Four new theorems extending Gauss’ results on gamma functions: preliminary report, part 1,
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 2, 1981, 464Introduction: Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1982, 7-13
Hypernumbers and Time Operators
In: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.12, 1983, 139-167
A Closed Expression for the Zeta-Function of Odd Integer Argument
In: Abstracts, Amer.Month.Societ., Meeting, No.805, Albany, New York, 8-12 August 1983, New YorkChapter 29 in "Self-Organization"
In:Ed. F.E.Yates,Plenum Press,New York, 1984
The Mendelian binomial distribution and its generalization
Abstr.Amer. Math. Soc. , 4 , 1983, 446Some Current Dilemma in Applied Physical Mathematics
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 14, 1984, 210-212
Two tests for primes
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. , 5 , 1984, 132, erratum 5 , 1984, 222, erratum 5 , 1984, 283
The product-modulus law generalised, and coordinate multiplication,
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 , 1984, 259-260
The Painleve transcendents refer to egg-shaped ovals
preliminary report, Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 ,1984 , 302
Some sphere packing formulas,
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 , 1984 , 309 - 310
Generalization of a Diophantine problem in Plutarch,
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 5 , 1984, 325
Pythagorean triangles and hyperbolic generating functions, Abstr.
Amer. Math. Soc. 5, 1984 , 331
Chronotopology. Destiny and Control in Human Systems. Studies in the Interactive Connectedness of Time
Kluwer/Nijhoff Publishing, Boston/Dordrecht, 1985
Interfaces between Quantum Physics and Bioenergetics
In: Self- Organizing Systems, Plenum , Ed. F.Yates×New York, 1987, 489-587
A new Approach to CAAD: Morphogenetic Alphabets and Design Computability
In: Kybernetes, Vol.17, No.5, 1988, 33-43
Sacred Plant of Ancient Egypt
In: The Gateway to Inner Space, Ed.C.Raetsch, Prism Press, 1989
Artificial Intelligence and Constituent Analysis
In: Kybernetes, Vol.19, No.5, 1990, 15-17
The Ageless Way of Goddess: Divine Pregnancy and Higher Birth in Ancient Egypt and China
In: In all her Names. Ed. C.Muses/J.Campbell, Harper, 1991, 131-165
New Ressources and Wider Horizons for Cybernetics
In: Kybernetes, Vol. 20, No.6, 1991, 57-68
Dimensions, fractals and sphere packing
In: The mathematical heritage of C.F.Gauss, World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, 526-543
Introduction to Lattices and Order, by Davey,B.A. and Priestley, H.A.
Bookreview In: Kybernetes, Vol.20, No.1, 1991, 65-66
A maximal sharpening and short proof of a fundamental theorem by Minkowski
In: Abstract for Math.American Soc.Meeting, 12, 1991, 510
The Resonant Universe: Time Waves and Consciousness
In: USPA, Journal, No5, , 1991,
The use of infinite numbers to make explicit the poles of the factorial function
In: Abstract for Math.American Soc.Meeting,875, 29 June 1992
Pariability as a measure of equal size (cardinality) in infinite series
In: Abstract for Math.American Soc. , Meeting, 1993
Review of the living legend Vladimir Arnol'd, master system theorist and philosopher of mathematics
In: Kybernetes, Vol.22, 1993, 57-68
Hypernumbers or How They Interface with the Physical World
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.60, 1994, 25-36
Communications. The System Analyst and Designer`s Vade-Mecum, or Applicable Systematics in a Nutshell
In: Kybernetes, Vol.23, No.1, 1994, 47-48
Feedback and Musical Resonance
In: Kybernetes, Vol.23, No.6, 1994,111-122
The Fibonacci series: functional basis and generalization of the n-th term
In: Abstract for Math.American Soc.Meeting, 893, 16.Juni, 1994
Bernoulli numbers of general index
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 , 1994 , 25
A supremum for the absolute value of the denominator of Bernoulli numbers of index a power of two
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. , 15, 1994 , 235
The role of topology in Diophantine functions
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 , 1994, 338
The maximal number of 3-D spheres that can fit around a like sphere
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc., 15 , 1994 , 459
The Unique Reach of Cybernetics in Our Fin-de-siecle
In: Kybernetes, Vol.24, No.6, 1995, 29A planetary periodic table
In: Bulletin of the Royal Astronomical Society Canada, Vol.24, No.7, 1995, 6-19EXCORcist boolean algebra and interaction between binary strings
In: Kybernetes, Vol.24, No.4, 1995, 33-45Consciousness: The Holy Grail of Science
In: Kybernetes, Vol.25, No.7/8, 1996, 109-127
The Lionpath - The Big Picture: A Short Path to Regeneration for our times
House of Horus, 1996
A Celebration of higher dimensional systems and a man who notably explored them
Invited article: Kybernetes, Vol.25, No.5, 1996, 48-52
- System Theory and the Roots of Democracy
Kybernetes, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1996,
Research Announcement: A Sphere-Packing Breakthrough Via Dimensional Families
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.81, 1997, 1-2
A likely cybernetic perennial: Studies in cognitive systems theory
In: Kybernetes , Vol. 26, No. 8, 1997, 936-938
The Dimensional Family Approach in (Hyper)sphere Packing: A Typological Study of New Patterns, Structures, and Interdimensional Functions
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 88:1-26, 1997
A Saga of Error and Glory : An Ancient Record Recounted
House of Horus, 1997
De Morgan's Ramanujan: an incident in recovering our endangered cultural memory of mathematics
In: The Mathematical Intelligencer, 20(3), 1998, 47-51,
A review of the proceedings of the Norbert Wiener centenary congress, including a paper not in the collected works
In: Kybernetes, Vol.27, No.1, 1998, 26-28Cybernetics, the conscience of science Studies of interactions between physical and sociopolitical feedbacks and the theory behind them
In: Kybernetes , Vol. 28, No. 4, 1999, 361-376The Shamanic Lionpath
House of Horus, 1999
New Considerations of Denumerability, Non-Denumerability, and Target-seeking Algorithms
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 107, 2000, 225-233
Validating Kepler's Conjecture:A new Approach
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 110, 2000, 94-104,
Some New Considerations on the Bernoulli Numbers, the Factorial Function, and Riemann's Zeta Function.
In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 113, 2000, 1-21
Access: The Lionpath for the Twenty-First-Century
House of Horus, 2001
Simplifying Complexity: the Greatest Challenge to Management and Government
In: Kybernetes, Vol.31, No.7/8, 2002, No.7/8, 962-988
Recollections of Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch and Stafford Beer
In: Kybernetes, Vol.31, No.7/8, 2002, No.7/8, 1005-1009
Four new theorems extending Gauss' results on gamma functions:
preliminary report, part 2,
Abstr. Amer. Math. Soc. , 2, 1981 , 534