The Shamanic Lionpath
How to manifest what you have attained
Copyright 1999 by House of Horus

Part 1:
Awakening to the shamanic reality in your life

Part 2:
Awakening to taking the shamanic journey

1: To the reader
2: After August 4,1999
3: Four ancient sacred festivals relevant today
4: The universal (etra-terrestrial) Lionpath
5: Type of developmental worlds beyond ours
6: More world types
7: Special worlds: Types 33,34, and 35
8: The pleromic Mercury connection
9: World 33 in more detail
10: Reaching world 33
11: Reincarnating across world types
12: Ecology on worlds 33,34 and35
13: Entering the healing worlds of higher psychotherapy
14: Differing paths for victims and perpetrators
15: World 35 and cosmic ministration
16: The drastic aspect of a healing world
17: The victims healing centre on world type 34
18: More on the ways of healing
19: The caduceal strands (Solar&Lunar) of the Self
20: Ultimate dissolution of the hell realms
21: Why the sun is feminine and the moon masculine
22: Empowering links to the divine ancestors
23: The universal life tree and th shamanic journey
24: Some notes on society, politics and the path
25: Glossary of special terms
26: The cassettes and how to uses them.



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